Monday, February 9, 2009

Roll Over Minutes in Heaven

As I wrote the title for the latest update I thought, “I bet I could make millions with this. Tell me it doesn’t sound like a country western song!”

So the latest, as you know from David’s blog last night, is that
the surgery was postponed. Kelly met with the surgeons nurse today for the latest info and here it is.

Thursday, we will walk Kel across the street to St. Lukes for an angiogram. This is not like a candy gram even though it is almost Valentine’s Day. Kel has had one before so she seems to be pretty calm about it. Char & I talked it over and decided we would both be dead by now if we were Kelly because we are cowards and would have refused to go through 1/10 of what KJ has endured. Kelly is definitely the brave one in this family.

Once the angio is done, an ambulance will take Kel back across the street to MDA where she will be checked into the hospital. Surgery will take place the next morning at approx 7 am and last 12-14 hours. NOTE: Friday is the 13th!! I cannot begin to tell you the fun we are having with this new fact. Other than Kelly crying when she first realized the date, we have had nothing but tasteless hysteria since. We informed her she didn’t need to cry because it is only a bad date if she was a witch. We then had to clarify since she was not officially a card carrying member of a Wiccan coven she wasn’t “technically” a real witch. She bought it.

So there is the latest. Oh yeah, regarding the blog title. When people found out the surgery was postponed we heard this,“ I have my whole church praying TODAY for you.” This, of course, was perfect new material for us. So does that mean there are no roll over minutes in heaven? Pray today pay today only? Just in case that is right, pray everyday for Kelly.


Char said...

Now to clarify a few items;
#1 Marla is quite disrespectful and would like to apologize
To Char, Maureen and Kelly and anyone else she has offended.

Anonymous said...

Let me think about this. Apologize? Ummmmmmmmm ...... NAW!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly, Friday the 13th is a very luck day. Gwen was born of Friday the 13th and without her who would tell you when you needed plastic surgery. By the way, I know that the three of you were at the plastic surgeon!! And we all know it had nothing to do with Kelly's brain surgery. Some people will try anything to cover up. I'm sure could send you a list of things needed to be done. Marla, I still have a very good wooden spoon so you had better respect your elders..
Love, Hugs & Kisses

Nicole said...

Ugh, I'm sure you were disappointed last night when you found out the surgery would be postponed. I had an anxiety attack for you in case you didn't have your own. I'm glad you are set for Thursday and I hope you hace something to do to keep you occupied this week. Although clearly entertainment is not missing hanging out with your sisters.

BTW - I sent you something to the hotel and I gave them the wrong name. They haven't been able to track it down. Maybe they'll figure it out today!

Love you - Nicole

Anonymous said...

Hey Mo~ I deeply regret any & all comments I made that offended you. NOW PUT THE WOODEN SPOON DOWN & BACK AWAY!

Nicole~ No, Kelly didn't receive one single thing from you. She did, however, get a VERY EXPENSIVE box of cookies from Char & me. They were exquisite! The details were amazing. You should have seen them. Kelly loved them!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I celebrated my 21st on Friday the 13th. My Kelly and I were born on the 13th so in our household it is always LUCKY 13 whether it is Friday or not.

Marla-they can dish it out but they can't take it. Go figure.

Gwen-so that is what you are doing at family reunions...keeping the family plastic surgery journal.
Uh Oh

Hugs and Kisses....Cher

Nicole said...

I'm so glad you girls were able to track down some exquisite cookies to share in Houston. I hear they are famous for their barbeque and tex-mex - didn't know cookies. Yet alone anything exquisite. Except you three beauties of course. :)

Yum! Nicole

Anonymous said...

Nicole I think you and I are the blog stalkers....Cher

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I have it on good authority that there are definitely roll over minutes in heaven. You have unlimited minutes, there are no dropped calls, no long distance charges and you never have to worry about saying "Can you hear me now?". Let me just say, Marla I love the mug shot that goes with your comments. Kelly, God knew this time was coming and what kind of personalities each one of you would need for this particular adventure. Lets just say that he definitely has a sense of humor. (Smile) I am thinking and praying for each and every one of you daily. I am just sorry I did not know about this blog before now. I could have used a good laugh several days ago!!!! Love you all very much. Give each other hugs from me!!

Anonymous said...

Kelly-Exquisite Cookies, did Char make you follow the serving size.
I give you permission to have as many as you want. Same goes for Kettle Corn. Love and Hugs..Cher

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sista's,

I am not supersticious.Everyday is a good day.
I don't know if Kelly is the bravest of all of you but I do fell she is very brave.
In my prayers always.

Marla, have you ever thought of being a professional writer? You are very good!

Anonymous said...

Ahh, it is so nice to see your smiling face...I agree that Friday the 13th is a LUCKY day...especially for us witches...we know who we are..ha! Sending positive thoughts your way, Kel. I really want to come see you soon...this summer maybe??

Hugs and Kisses,


Anonymous said...

Hi girls, (and David)

Hope you are enjoying your day today. Sending hugs your way.

Marla-there is that be a professional writer thing again.
Embrace it, don't stop.

Char-Are the mirrors still in the room or have your sissies removed them?

Kelly-How 'bout those polka dots are you still sporting them with style.

Love you...Cher

Anonymous said...

I am at work and decided to catch up on the blog since I havent done that in a while although I am in contact with Kelly. I am just cracking up out loud all to myself and people are looking at me like I'm a crazy person!!! Thanks girls for the great laughs today! Sisters Rock!!! Love you guys.
Gina D.

Anonymous said...

Jana Banana~ We are so glad you have joined the madness. Kelly was very pleased. I believe this may be to her being under the assumption that you are normal. You & I know better! Love you, Jana. Keep praying and stay tuned for more adventures of the Real Housewives of Houston.

Cher~ Yes, Char has tried imposing that ridiculous serving size rule on us. I, being an Oklahoman, have had no problem throwing her down on the couch and giving her noogies when she tries it on me. I just pretend she is a goat.

Hey Vic~ I agree. Everyday is a good day. Yes, I have thought of writing professionally. One problem, nobody wants to pay me. If you happen to know of a paper or publisher that is looking for a middle-aged, overweight housewife that thinks she is incredibly clever, send them my way.