Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ding Ding – Round Four is about to Begin!

On Monday, June 18th, I will start Round 4 of chemo. It is supposed to be 5 days in the hospital, 24/7, however, past experience has set my expectations at being in the hospital at least six days. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be home sometime Saturday night.

If you read Marla’s “comments”, you know that she and two of her girls (Liz & Miranda) are coming to visit in the month of July. I am hoping I can convince my doctor to minimum appointments this month and really have July as a vacation month to entertain, visit with friends & family and tour all the central California sites; from Big Sur, to driving through the Red Woods. When I told David I was taking the month of July “off” as vacation, he said I had been on vacation since I have not been going into the store to work. I quickly informed him the last nine months were no vacation – hahahahaha! Besides, I work all the time as a consultant to him – we all know that behind every good man there is a better woman. Anyway, point being I am hoping for as much of a non-medical month as possible, we’ll have to wait and see…….

Today is packing for the hospital – I told David I felt like Paris Hilton going to lock down for a week! I shouldn’t complain, at least I only have 5-6 days in the “cell!” and we are always looking forward to the positive results from the treatment.

I am sending my best to each of you and your families – Have a great 4th of July. As I said in a previous blog, the place to be on the 4th is Cayucos. If you can make it, we'll see you on the streets of Cayucos by the Sea!!



Anonymous said...

Hey Sis ~ One comment on something you said. "I work all the time as a consultant to him". Didn't you use to get 6 figures for this at IBM? You may want to renegotiate your $9 an hour!

Nicole said...

Kelly-- Thinking of you as you kick off round 4. Love you! Nicole

Anonymous said...

Kelly hope all your hospital time will turn ou
t well. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the 4th. I'm going to buy a bed for my extra room today just incase you and the gang want to stay here. My prayers are with you. Love, Mickey

Anonymous said...

Kelly - It was so good to talk with you last week. We have an extra bedroom and an RV hookup and anyone is welcome to use them. You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. Love You, Diane

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly!! My thoughts are with you as I know that you are in the hospital right now. Hopefully, you'll be posting a new blog for us when you get out of there tomorrow.

I'm hoping to make it up to Cayucos for the 4th, but since flights are too pricey right now, I may have to take the train(Driving long distances isn't good for my driving record...haha). We can talk about how we are going to address the weight gain and signs of aging(What are you 45, 46? Jesus....someone needs some Bototx!) when I see you up there because as we all know, looking good is key to a successful recovery!! So, get all of this chemo out of the way and start saving up your money because at your age, we are talking major overhaul!! And since everyone seems to be spending copious amounts of time praying, I'd like to request that you all include prayers for Kelly to be able to find a good plastic surgeon in Prunetuckey;-) It's not going to be easy. But not to worry, I will be there to guide you through the process...I'm guessing with all that steroid stuff and all that quality time spent with Ben and Jerry, we may be looking at some lipo too..You certainly aren't making this easy on me.


Anonymous said...

This is one of the MANY reasons I love you so much. YOU ARE SO BAD!

I would pray regarding the Prunetucky plastic surgeon however I feel I may have a better & more cost effective solution. Large Animal Vet! I am sure a Puffer Fish falls within that scope of practice. Also, with all the CAT scans Kel has had I am sure they would accept her as a new patient. They certainly have to know as much as her current doctors! See if PETA might even have a coupon we could use, Bernice.

We could save on surgical nurse charges as well since I have assisted our vet many a time. Of course, it was for things such as amputating a goats leg but I am sure that would be considered a type of lipo. The goat did weigh less afterwards.

I am so happy you are heading North for the 4th! Can't wait to see you!! Love you little cousin!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,
So happy to hear that everything is going so well!!!
Hope to see everyone on the Fourth we will keep an eye out for you guys at the parade. We will be the ones running after and yelling at the ****WILD CHILD**** aka Evan
Love Mindy

Anonymous said...

Hi Cousins,
My Kelly is going to be four wheeling on the fourth so I will see if I can get away to meet you on the fourth in Caycucos. All the talk about botox please Kelly no surprised looks and Gwen come on you and Kelly haven't had a baby yet. You'll have to wait till your 50 or 60 to get your fixin. Marla and Me on the other hand just need some pullin on the saggin. Oh and don't forget the eyes from all the sleep we are losing having our big ole babies now. I think I get less sleep now than I did with babies. Did I say how much cuter they were.
Marla are you staying in your RV at Kelly's or at the RV Park cuz if you are staying at the RV park maybe we will come and join you for a few days. Drive safe and yes I will be there at some time. Are we still going to the horse event? Anyway praying for a good plastic surgeon in pruntucky is like getting a tree in the desert. Probably unheard of but then again I have a pocket knife and Marla has some thread. heeeehheeeee. And a little duct tape.....need I continue. Love you all. CHER

Anonymous said...

Hi Cousins,
My Kelly is going to be four wheeling on the fourth so I will see if I can get away to meet you on the fourth in Caycucos. All the talk about botox please Kelly no surprised looks and Gwen come on you and Kelly haven't had a baby yet. You'll have to wait till your 50 or 60 to get your fixin. Marla and Me on the other hand just need some pullin on the saggin. Oh and don't forget the eyes from all the sleep we are losing having our big ole babies now. I think I get less sleep now than I did with babies. Did I say how much cuter they were.
Marla are you staying in your RV at Kelly's or at the RV Park cuz if you are staying at the RV park maybe we will come and join you for a few days. Drive safe and yes I will be there at some time. Are we still going to the horse event? Anyway praying for a good plastic surgeon in pruntucky is like getting a tree in the desert. Probably unheard of but then again I have a pocket knife and Marla has some thread. heeeehheeeee. And a little duct tape.....need I continue. Love you all. CHER

Anonymous said...

Heehee...Maybe we will have to make due with a vet, Marla and some duct tape!

Oh and while you all may laugh at my coupon use...I have been able to get by without working for three years thanks to my Swiss genes and years of tutelage under the Coupon Queen(aka Aunt Bernice). I do believe she would be quite proud:-)

I love you too, Marla...See you soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey Cher ~

PLEASE join us at the RV park! We will have to get the info from Kel since she made the arrangements. My only concern is the fact that this is afterall an RV park in Prunetucky. If I hear one sound coming from a banjo I am outta there!

Kelly said...

Cher - I have been trying to call you but must have the wrong # as I keep getting a fax?? Call me or send me your email address so we can figure out the schedule while Marla is here. Love Kelly