Saturday, May 15, 2010

Getting ready in Houston

Kelly and her friend Teresa arrived in Houston earlier this week. She spent the past few days having MRIs, X-rays, blood work and all the rest of the pre-op stuff. She checked in to have the embolization done at the hospital across the street from MD Anderson on Friday and then will be transferred over to MDA for the surgery that's on Monday. David, and her sisters Char and Marla will be there as well.

She seems to be in good spirits...she's been texting with me and making some jokes. I understand that she's also been harrassing Marla about getting a dress for her son's wedding that is 2 weeks from today. Ordering her to go out on Monday while she is in surgery with her older (sorry Char) sister to help her find just the right dress. So she is spunky and bossy still - somethings never change.

Will update on Monday after surgery.


Marla said...

Nicole ~ We are sitting here wanting you to tell the REAL story behind her true level of bossiness. Tell us about the time you wanted to stab her in the eye with a pencil at work just to shut her up. Spill the guts of this story, woman!

Signed, Teresa and Marla

Andrea said...

Kelly - thinking of you and praying for you. {{{{{{Hugs}}}}}
Your Cousin Andrea

Nicole said...

Well over bossy, I'd say what drove me nuts was this: She loved to call on a Friday afternoon and leave a vague message to the tune of, "I need to meet with you first thing Monday morning." Leaving you stressed and anxious and thinking you were getting fired or did something wrong, or perhaps sexually harrassed someone. This situation was problematic in that a) first thing to her was anywhere between 10am and when normal people went to lunch and b) she usually would forget what she wanted to talk to you about to boot! You'd lose sleep, stay late on Friday in the fond hope she'd come out of her office before 8pm (thus missing happy hour), and/or need a refill on anxiety meds to get you through it.

I don't know that bossy is the right word...but it definitely fits.

Gosh, I know I shouldn't, but I feel like the girl who didn't get invited to the party knowing you are all hanging out in the hospital together. Hmmm let me think if I can give you something to talk about me about...pretty boring week other than my first mammogram since I got the new hooters. And I was nervous thinking what if they pop?! Then I got secretly excited because if they did, I could get even bigger ones! Still have Stink Floyd. The coonhound seems to be staying, against my wishes, but not because I cared that my girls were going to temporarily hate me, I decided I could handle that, but because Kevin has found a soulmate in this smelly animal. The upside is the dog always likes me, and you can't say that about three daughters.

Argh I've got nothing good. I'm digging deep too. You'll have to just make fun of and talk about the nurses or people you see there. The weekend is young though, if something hits me you'll be the first to know.


Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR said...

Good luck to Kelly! She'll be in my thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Kelly Girl,
Hugs for a successful surgery.
Bossy, when I think of Kelly I think of those long blond braids and the hands on the hips.
You go girl, I think we all have a little bit of bossy in us. You think!

Love ya Cuz

Cheryl Lee said...

praying for you Kelly, and family for strength and peace!