Monday, March 28, 2011

They keep asking me how old I feel?

If you are looking for a health update – NOT TODAY! Instead I'm about to tell you about my wonderful weekend, not laced with medical exams, terminology, and on-going treatment, but how friendship, love and the people in your life make such a difference.

Case in point. The last few years I have, admittedly, avoided contact with many friends and family. I have been “hiding” many things for reasons such as; 1) my appearance. Steroids were not kind AND as an example, I was raised by a father who, even when suffering slight dementia asked me “you gonna color those roots?” as I was wheeled in from major full hip replacement surgery. 2) my schedule. The last few years I have had several surgeries, treatments, etc. between Ca & Houston. Too bad I haven't had the pleasure to enjoy too much of Houston during my travels. However there is an upside. I have been able to visit with my in-laws during most of my Dr. & hospital meetings. I go on record right now to say I have the most incredible in-laws, I love them, and feel very blessed to be a Sewart! 3) my pity party. It's unbelievable, but sometimes I'd throw myself one! Oh, I dare!

Which brings me to this weekend. Three of my closest friends, Theresa, Karen & Gina had planned a regular visit. What this usually means is late arrival Friday night, laying on the bed chatting about what I've been missing, Saturday watching chick flicks (we've seen Serendipity about 72X), order Chinese food, the ONLY delivery in Prunetucky, maybe find a movie on pay-per-view, get up Sunday morning, pour the Bailey's/coffee and they are on the road by 11:00. Of course the weekends are always filled with lots of chat! It's our routine, it works, it's what we've been doing for the last 3-4 years. But this weekend.....SURPRISE!

But this weekend would be different. I told the girls I would have dinner done and I ordered the “Oprah” chicken pot pies, made a chopped green salad and was ready for their arrival about 7:30 Friday night. Now, to many people this may sound insignificant, however, this was the first time I had been back in the kitchen since early January. After dinner, Karen and I cleaned the dishes/kitchen as Theresa & Gina sat at the hen party (aka kitchen table). It was as if we were in a time warp. It was such a small thing to everyone in that room except for me, it was AWESOME to be in that place, at that moment, with those girls. Chatting, doing dishes, laughing, not thinking or talking about Cancer. Just living life normal.

Since I grew up in a big city and relocated about 5 years ago, moving from southern Ca to the central coast of Ca, there have been some adjustments. Yes, I now live in what is comparable to Mayberry RFD. For the most part I love the slower life, and the overall pace, but when something new comes town, we are a buzz. Last week, 2 young French kids, opened a French Patisserrie. Yippee. Saturday morning I entertained my guests with an exquisite ham & cheese quiche, chocolate morning bread, fresh fruit of course freshly brewed coffee with Bailey's. Just like those French boys, the breakfast was rock solid! Easily entertained, you see.

Next, my girls disappeared for a few hours, came home, and decorated my room with balloons, banners and streamers for my upcoming B-day! What friends I have. Ding Dong. Cookie Creations arrival from great friends down south, Kathy, Alex, Jen, Ryan & family – Yummo! After watching Burlesque on pay-per-view, we readied ourselves for a night OUT. Yes, I said it. David took the girls out to a fabulous steak dinner in Monterey. And since I haven't really been “out” for quite awhile, I was EXCITED! Highlights of the evening; I WALKED into the restaurant (clarification: walker vs. wheelchair), incredible food, great atmosphere, spending quality time with amazing friends and of course incredible conversation with friends. When we arrived home, another SURPRISE! A birthday cake, perfectly decorated and of course, it came with a song! Those girls.

By the time I was in bed and coming down from my Oxy-1 glass of wine- sugar high, which was approximately 3AM, I had my epiphany. I am one of the luckiest, most fortunate people alive today. Thanks to God, to all my family, friends, Dr's, nurses & caregivers I am here today able to live a relatively normal life. Every day is a privilege and I will live each day accordingly, with a smile.

Monday morning rolled in and usually my assistant shows up ready to assist @ 11:30AM. I am always LAZY on Mondays, still in bed, yes @ 11:30AM, and just deciding to get into the shower. We never leave the house on Monday's. Not today. Today was a new day, the first day of the rest of my life! Rachael walked in the door and was shocked to see me showered, dressed and ready go to out for the day. The new me! Off to Verizon to get my cell phone fixed (Hansen curse..but that's another story :)), then to the Produce Store for the tortoise veggies. For the 1st time in over 3+ years I walked thru the Produce Store, holding desperately tight to the cart, but together, Rachel and I did it! I felt like I was at the gym, I was starting to sweat, but I did it! A breakthrough! When we got home, I put the groceries away, emptied the dishwasher, and made a light lunch. It was a good day. It is funny how the little things in some peoples lives make such a difference. David is taking me out to dinner tomorrow night for Japanese food – that will be twice within four days! Crazy and loving it.

THANK YOU~ My friends made a spectacular weekend for me, but more important, my hubby, family and friends have never given up on me. I love each and everyone of you. Thank you for always being there for me!

PS. Boring medical updates later.......hahahaha! Chemo coming, blah, blah, blah!


Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR said...

Oh wow, Kelly, this is phenomenal. I am so happy that you had all that awesome time with your friends and that you're able to go out more. Also, happy birthday! Keep it up, Kelly!

Marla said...

Hmmmm. You know what I noticed through this entire post? Theresa, Theresa, Theresa! Oh yeah? Well did Theresa ever do your hair and makeup after your surgeries like I did? No wait, that was Char. Well, anyway, Happy Birthday, you old bat! I love you even if you do prefer Theresa over your own sisters. I mean really, what does she have that I don't? I mean besides a great body, a great job, money in the bank and no kids.

Silver Strands said...

Happy Birthday Kelly! I just came over from Marla's blog ... you two are my favorite entertainment :) Hope #50 is great for you! (It goes super fast ... so hang on! 50 is a great ride!)

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Happy Birthday! Your sister sent me! Your sister is a wonderful person, by the way ....... she did say to drive you crazy, didn't she?

Glen said...

Happy Birthday - I'm fairly sure 50 is the prime age for women isn't it?

certainly seems to be in the magazines at my petrol station!

Monkey Man said...

Came over from your sister's blog. Happy birthday and many more.

Ms. A said...


Enchanted Oak said...

I'm Marla's blog friend from the Central Coast ~ Templeton, talk about Mayberry USA! We got a traffic signal in town a while back and you would have thought we were faced with an adult bookstore on Main Street.

I'm happy for you and your 50th. It's a weird thing, hitting the half-century mark. How did we get so old???

Have a great week!

J.J. in L.A. said...

"Happy Birthday!!!" from one of Marla's go tell her so she'll get off my back, okay? ; )

As someone who's had a lifetime of medical crap foisted on me, can I just say, "You ROCK!!!"?

Auntie Cake said...

Happy Birthday! Marla sent us over to wish you a great day! Hope it was wonderful and if it wasn't, go read her post for a good laugh. That's what the rest of us do!

CiCi said...

I have been hearing so much about you on Marla's blog that I feel like I know you like a sister! Sorry I missed your big five-O birthday.
Belated good wishes for a better year this year.

Coby said...

Happy Birthday Kelly! Marla sent me over to drive you crazy - I mean, wish you a happy birthday! Hope your day was wonderful!

Mrs. Tuna said...

Stopping by wishes happy birthday cause your Sistah told me to. I was afraid she'd punch me if I didn't.

Nicole said...

Happy belated birthday my friend! What a spectacular blog entry you just posted. It is beyond wonderful to hear you describe yourself cooking, getting ready, shopping, going out - I'm so happy for you that you were able to enjoy doing all these things with your friends and David!

Love you! N

rlarosa said...

What an awesome post!!! So happy to read about and feel your cheer!

GOD Bless!