Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Where things stand after Houston....

The good news is that the tumor in her head hasn't changed since the last visit.

The bad news is that the tumor in her spine has grown. The doctors said it is putting pressure on her spinal cord and if she doesn't have surgery immediately, she will become paralyzed from the waist down. So, she will be flying to Houston on May 11th for surgery prep, with the surgery scheduled for May 17th. They have told her that she should plan on being in the hospital for about a week after the operation.

This surgery is not without risk. She has all the usual risks with surgery, as well as the risk of paralysis. But facing certain paralysis without the surgery, she is moving forward.

David, Char and Teresa are traveling with her to Houston. I will keep the blog updated as I get updates.

Keep her in your thoughts and prayers!



Formerly known as Frau said...

Thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery!

Cheryl Lee said...

Kelly -- wishing you the best and sending up lots of prayers for you, the doctors and your family!!

Marla said...

Nicole ~ That's it? Seriously? No insiders tips or info on the old gal? Come on, woman!! I know you have dirt. Spill it!

Maureen said...

Love and prayers coming your way Kell. Let me know if you need anything and what name you are using at the hospital! How long for re-hab in TX? Need me to stock the freezers? Love you

JavaJimmy said...

Girl, you've done it before and you'll do it again - if there's one person I have faith in, it's you.

Hey Marla!
Hey Nicole!

Marla said...

Hey Jimmy!!

Kelly said...

Thanks to everyone for all your prayers and well wishes - you are all probably getting tired of this (12 yrs!), I know I am. Thank you for not giving up on me, from my heart, I appreciate each and every one of you.

Looks like I'm being admitted into the hospital on Friday, May 14th, and surgery is scheduled for Monday the 17th. I'm flying to Houston on the 11th. Let the games begin!

JavaJimmy said...

Want some company in Houston?
I'm serious - I've got some time on my hands (aka, unemployed), and I've got some inheritance money, so I could fly out for a few days...
Think about it.

MamaGreenLeaf said...

Aunt Kel, we are praying for you and we love you!!! Hannah says "Get better Auntie Kewwy!!"