Saturday, July 25, 2009

Summer Time Update

Guess who? Finally an update direct from the source, it’s me Kelly! I figured everyone would know it wasn’t the witty sisters’ (Marla) pen in hand, however I need the therapy so please suffer reading my attempt at updating “the blog” Kelly style!

Over the last year, while I was pretty much “comatose” my family thought it humorous to use me as the butt of many of their jokes. Okay, I admit most of the stories were not only true, but they are pretty funny too! Yes, I am still Mean & Fat as described by my middle sister however, there are several updates since my last blog written by Marla.

Readers Digest Health Update: As most of you know (Praise God!) brain surgery went well and after 4 weeks at MD Andersen I was released to rehab back in California. Unfortunately weaning off the steroids put me in bed for 6 1/2 weeks until the Dr’s changed my meds. Hooray! Finally, within 2 weeks of taking me off the steroids I started to feel like a real person again - for the first time in two years.

As usual I returned to MDA in early July for my regular scheduled tests which had been delayed by 2+ months because of the steroid withdrawals. Hubby David, my niece Liz who has been helping me at home since January, sister Char (as in sibling, not the nun kind) and I flew to Houston for the usual fun of flipping me on & off MRI tables, scanners and X-ray machines. The results were generally OK. The tumors on my liver, spine and chest wall have stabilized showing no growth since the last scans. The brain tumor shows some slight enlargement since surgery in Feb, which could be as a result of scar tissue from the surgery. The Neuro-surgeon wants to re-scan in 3 months before making any other decisions relative to the brain. The area of some concern right now is on my lung which has grown over the last 5 months. I will be starting chemo sometime next week and will stop this annoyance in its' tracks! Good news - I’ve been on this chemo (Temodor) before and was able to tolerate it pretty good. AND, maybe, just maybe, I’ll drop a few lb’s (a girl can always dream) during this treatment.

After MDA, Char, Liz and I swung by Hansen farm (Marla’s house) and were able to visit Dad Casas for a few days. Although the trip was brief, it was great to spend time with Dad and the Hansen clan. Rachel’s children are growing up so fast, I wish we all lived closer so we could see them more often. Seeing Dad was good but sad. He still makes me smile and laugh, but at 89 he is really not the Charles Casas, “Uncle Charlie”, most of us remember. He’s now a frail little old man.

Char, Liz & I returned to Calif 7/14, and have been trying to get back into the swing of things. I finally started Physical Therapy (AGAIN!) last week. One key goal is to be able to walk up a stair (even w/a walker) so I am no longer a prisoner in my bedroom, Never, EVER, did I think walking up a stair would be a goal, but trust me, when you can’t walk, goals change, as well as, life perspective.

Thank you for all the cards, letters and prayers. They have kept me smiling, positive and overall HAPPY. My best wishes, love and support to you and your families.

Hugs and kisses,


Marla said...

Well done! I do have a few corrections, however. Your middle sister DID NOT come up with "mean and fat". That honor goes to YOUR husband. As for you being the butt of our jokes: first, they weren't jokes, we meant every word. Second, have you seen your butt because most everyone else has.

Glad your home and ready for therapy & chemo. I know you will do well, as you always do. Also glad for the brief visit to HansenFarm. One day longer and one of us would have died.

Let me know when we are speaking again and I'll give you a call ... maybe. Love you~

Unknown said...

Well, it sounds like you a feeling somewhat better. Does that mean I should not stop on my way back home to cook and leave off crab? Talked with Lucy this past week, Tom is finished with chemo, is tired but doing well. Will go in, I think, in August for another test to see how the Chemo worked. Yet, another trouper in this family. I don't know Marla, I know I myself, think twice about talking about butt's since mine is growing at an alarming rate, see at least Kelly has an excuse

Marla said...

I also have an excuse, Maureen. The 10,000 cookies you baked for us!

Nicole said...

Hooray! So great to hear an update straight from the horses mouth. No weight joke intended or implied.

We are spending the summer hanging out by the pool - I'll send you pictures shortly. The girls have the dance recital on Saturday, so we are barred from travel or anything that takes them out of classes. They are very serious about this and even with bribery, they all refuse to miss. Except Maxine - you could bribe her with anything to do anything. :) My in-laws are flying in from South Carolina on Thursday for the recital, and my mother is coming down from the desert. Dad can't be bothered with it - he's too busy working his wagering at Del Mar and lord knows he could never sit through 6 hours of dance. Kevin has a hard enough time. He's taken to packing a picnic with plenty of wine and sneaking in and out so he only has to watch the girls dance. It's ok though - he slept through the first two years and I had to wake him when they were on. The only bummer is he misses when the mom's dance. Think a bunch of the kids mothers that take lessons and then feel the need to perform in the show. I'm all for the exercise, but really? Stealing the glory from your kids performance? Did you not get enough attention as a child? I threaten my kids all the time..."If you aren't being respectful and kind to each other, I'll borrow one of your costumes and dance a solo in the recital." It usually works.

You need to get yourself better, get through the chemo and the PT and be ready for a Baril family visit. The girls are itching to see you - and it goes without saying that I am too.

Love you!

Unknown said...

Hey, Marla you asked for the cookies!!!

Anonymous said...

Muuummmm on Maureen's cookies, I think I was in Oklahoma for the blessed cooking feasts.

Kelly Girl I am happy for you to start PT and glad you are feeling better. You will get to your goal soon one step at a time.

Hugs and Kisses to you all

Anonymous said...

Kel, So glad to hear things are looking up! Im sure your dad was happy to see you as well. Hopefully I will get up there with Theresa and Karen soon. Alot has been going on in our household. I will fill you in when I talk to you. Looking forward to the visit. Love you lots
Gina D.

Life Arts Trainer said...

I like the way you are writing.
Bring out the creative genious in you.If possible shorten each post. one idea in one post.You will hahe more readers then.I think I missed your blog allthese years!
All the best.
Follow me -
i may be of some use to you.

Anonymous said...

found your site today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later ..

Cheryl Lee said...

Hi Kelly - it's Cheryl came across your blog through FB -

Cheryl Stuck said...

Hey Kelly - saw the link to your blog on FB, thought I would check it out! Gotta love the sistas, huh?
Prayers sent your way!