Saturday, April 19, 2008

Back in Prunetucky

It’s exciting to be able to update my blog from home after being gone for almost four months (although I do miss my Oklahoma family & friends). Everyone, David & stable of animals, survived fine without me thanks to Sheryl (assistant/housekeeper) who has been helping us in Calif over the last several months. Since David is in the midst of opening the third store, and I haven’t driven for the last year+, Sheryl has been a Godsend for our “family”. Now on to the results from MD Andersen…….Drum roll please.

After numerous MRI’s’ CT’s, blood work and other tests, I met with Dr. Lewis who had performed my hip surgery, and Dr. Patel, my Oncologist, to review “next steps”. After review of the scans, Dr. Lewis determined that my new hip was healing according to plan and removed the brace after 12 weeks (YIPPEE!). It was a good thing as I don’t think I could have taken many more sponge baths or having my hair washed in the bathroom sink.

The next news came from my Oncologist, Dr. Patel, who was comparing scans & test results taken in December to the new test results from the week of February 11th. David, Marla and Char were there to share the news. Essentially Dr. Patel informed us that overall the scans looked good with little to no growth on any of the remaining tumors. His recommendation was to build my strength over the next three months and upon return to MDA in May, another round of tests will be conducted to compare scans. If there is no sign of “significant” growth, I’ll be sent home again for another three month break and will continue to have check-ups every three months.

My first week home was very busy as I started Physical Therapy (PT) and had to also visit my local doctors. The PT is very important right now as I learn to walk again which is proving to be a very slow and painful process. So far the biggest challenge is getting my right leg to cooperate (surgery was on my left hip) as I have been challenged for the last few years with increased numbness due to years of radiation – no I’m not glowing in the dark YET. I’m also struggling with fatigue and working to build up my stamina. Yesterday I had my first “accident” – let me try to briefly explain. David has been taking the dogs (Jack the Labradoodle & Buster Brown the Basset Hound) for daily walks and after several days of trying to convince me that the scooter was safe and there was no way I could fall, I believed him and took the plunge. On my first venture out I did great until I decided to exert my independence coming up the driveway and unfortunately proved my husband wrong (he said I couldn’t flip it over) by doing a triple somersault as the scooter slammed to the ground. Not to worry, I landed on my hard head

Thanks again for your cards, letters, thoughts and prayers that have kept me motivated to keep on going even on my worst days. Unfortunately I continue to have some “bad” days however being surrounded by positive energy from friends & family has kept me going.



Denise Davey said...

Happy to see your update! Keep fighting as you always do and know that you are loved by many. Thinking of you always. Love, Denise, Tim, Michael and John

MamaGreenLeaf said...

Hannah Kelly would like to say that she loves you and is glad to hear you are up and moving! We miss you and think about you us sometime!! Love, John, Amy and H'Kelly

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,
Glad to finally get an update. Sounds like you are making progress, slow but sure. Your outlook and attitude sound very good. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Much love to you and your family.
Love, Lenora

cousin steve chavez said...


hello from one of the chavez clan, steve. we have you in our prayers and we urge to keep your spirits up, as we're sure you are. we'll keep california in order until you return!
lots of love from the chavez family

Anonymous said...

Can anyone update us on how Aunt Kelly is doing?


Linda White said...
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